Thursday, July 9, 2009

I Was Never the Girl For You...Forgiveness Was Never 'My Thing'

I was never the girl for you—
I just didn’t understand why you would think I’d still be yours after hearing her flirtatious laugh, seeing your shining, green eyes,
After seeing the way you held her waist,
I was sick—
I never understood how you thought I could be faithful after seeing that.
Do you like putting on shows? In a crowded, dimly lit hall where every piranha could gobble up every ounce of gossip they can get their slimy hands on--
Forgiveness really was never my thing.

Forgiveness really was never my thing.
Do you like putting on shows? In a crowded, dimly lit hall where every piranha could gobble up every ounce of gossip they can get their slimy hands on--
I never understood how you thought I could be faithful after seeing that.
I was sick,
After seeing the way you held her waist,
I just didn’t understand why you would think I’d still be yours after hearing her flirtatious laugh, seeing your shining, green eyes,
I was never the girl for you.


  1. Wow, this is amazing and it works so well. Nice flow.

  2. I can relate to the whole gosspi part. It is really good! Shining green, eyes. . . wow that is pretty descriptive! AWESOME POEM SHELBY!

  3. owwhhhh i like this ! a lot ! =D ! !

  4. stop peeking at my comments shelby

  5. I like this a lot, Shelby. Keep on writing!

  6. Thanks Kimberly, Kianna, and Trickkitskatt (I don't know your real name, sorry....) Your praises mean alot :)


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